The Google Answer To Cheap Phone Sex


Hang on to your straps, folks, this lady needs venting!

This page was edited on June 28th, 2024

They are at it again!  Google I mean.  My rankings for cheap phone sex have taken a beating!  No longer in the top ten, wild phone sex now lingers on the third page.  

I have hundreds of high-quality content, on topic, not a single shade of bad practices as far as search engine optimization is concerned and yet, it ranks lower than some 10-page generic numbers that for their lack of quality, seem to outrank me!

Alright!  We all know that Google works in mysterious ways…  It’s just what it does really.  Zigzagging through the maze of forever ingenious spammers, it has found itself having to respond to the actions of some who have no problems trying to game the now-famed search engine.  And the folks at Google are getting pissed off.  It’s understanding of course.  Under constant assaults from an increasing number of people hell-bent on dominating search engine results, google had to do something.  And it duly did…

However…  In my industry, I have seen changes in the quality of the search results found in Google, and not all these changes are positive.

Take cheap phone sex for example.  Of the first results on the first page, three are links to the classified pages of… and whilst the folks at this “interesting” online publication must be dunking their donuts in their collective coffees with joy, what does it say about the results Google is now serving to anyone looking for affordable phonesex fun?

Not a whole lot I am afraid…  And so, websites like mine, which have been providing quality and relevant content for years and years find themselves shoved to the side and replaced by nonsensical garbage that Google now includes…

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